How To Decide If You + Your Business Should Have Separate Instagram Accounts
“Should my business have a separate business account?”
☝️ If we had a nickel for every time one of our Hey Marvelous clients asked this question – well, we’d have a lot of nickels!
And our answer is … it depends. There’s no cut-and-dried, easy answer.
We usually encourage wellness business owners to upgrade their existing account to an Instagram business account. We suggest keeping it simple with a single account on the platform by peppering personal posts in with all the juicy business content.
But some of our teachers know that the separation will be healthy and valuable, and opt to maintain two Instagram accounts.
If you’ve read through the benefits and pitfalls of each option and are still struggling to make the call for YOUR business, here are some questions to consider:
6 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting An Instagram Account For Your Wellness Business
Do you love taking photos, and videos, and posting them?
Is doing so a natural part of your daily life? If so, creating and posting content won’t be a strain, and two accounts might work great. If not, centralizing your Instagram presence will be far less stressful.
RELATED: 10 Creative Ways Yoga Teachers Can Use Instagram Stories
Do you have political, religious, or personal views that might turn off a segment of your customer base?
Do you express these views on Instagram? If so, maintaining two accounts will serve you well. If not, feel free to consolidate!
It’s also worth noting that we buy from people we know, like, and trust and whose values align with ours. While sharing your political views might alienate a segment of your customers, it might strengthen your connection to another, potentially larger segment. Authenticity is a great marketing tool! You can see where Marvelous’s values and ethics lie in this Instagram post.
Do you instinctively monitor the content you share, keeping family and sensitive posts to a bare minimum?
If cropping your kids out of photos or editing out license plates is second nature, a single account could be just fine. But if you find yourself posting personal things and then going back and deleting them, you might be better off with two accounts.
Do you post CONSTANTLY about everything?
If so, give yourself an outlet through your personal account, and curate your business feed separately. (You don’t want to overwhelm your followers with dozens of cat or kid pics!)
Do you tend towards mindless scrolling?
If you know that you tend to mindlessly scroll, you might be better off with two accounts. It’s much easier to write + schedule business Instagram posts using a scheduler like Planoly. That way you can write a week’s worth of posts, schedule them, and put your phone away knowing that your business is still active on social media.
Mixing business and pleasure in one account gives us another excuse to pick up our phones to post … and then all of a sudden, it’s 45 minutes later and we’re knee-deep in a video about celery juice.
Do we recommend alternative accounts to friends and family?
If your gut tells you that your brand messages may clash with your personal posts, honor that instinct.
The choice is up to you. Be honest about your priorities, goals, and available energy before you decide if you want to create separate personal and business Instagram accounts. There’s no wrong answer, of course, and we hope this post has helped you sort out which option will work best for your unique wellness business!