How to Make Money as a Yoga Teacher in 2023
Online yoga teaching surged in the last few years, and 2023 is no different. It’s important to try to take advantage of this new way of working with your students and find the best ways to make your new ventures both profitable for yourselves as well as beneficial for others.
So, how can you make money as a yoga teacher in 2023? Keeping our new world order in mind, we will explore 10 different ways to keep your business profitable and successful.
Here, we will discuss multiple revenue streams, marketing advice, and hybrid business models to help you decide the best way (or ways) to make money as a yoga teacher this year!
Advice Before You Begin
Before we get into our 10 different strategies to help you make money teaching yoga, let’s discuss some pieces of advice you should consider as a yoga teacher in 2023. By keeping the following in mind going forward, you will be able to increase your profits and enjoy every second of teaching yoga at the same time!
Know your worth
One of the best ways to make money and enjoy what you do at the same time is to know your worth.
You don’t want to charge too much or too little, so try to keep your own expertise in mind. How qualified are you? How much time and energy do you put into your work as a yoga teacher?
In short, what would make being a yoga teacher worthwhile - not only for you but for your clients too?
Try to avoid taking teaching gigs where the pay or benefits don’t reflect your worth or align with the amount of effort you put into your job or the value you give to your students.
On the flip side, however, it’s important not to charge exorbitant prices. This can actually lose you money in the long run. Instead, value your own time, energy, and expertise while also keeping your target clientele in mind in terms of what they’re able to afford.
Refine your niche
Because there are so many styles of yoga, there are a lot of different niches that you can go into. Of course, just choosing the more popular ones instead of really honing in on what you enjoy may not work in your favor.
Instead, keep in mind that for every type of yoga, there is a market of people who are looking to learn and grow from it.
Refining your niche in this way can be extremely financially beneficial. Building up a client base can actually be easier when you commit yourself to one specific style. This is because not only will you be able to develop a trusting and consistent relationship with your clients, but your enjoyment and dedication will shine through.
Knowing yourself, what you are good at, and what your clients are looking for is a great piece of advice going forward with teaching yoga 2023.
Get online!
As we have already mentioned, teaching and training are moving online like never before. Online classes are the name of the game in 2023.
So, before you set out to make money as a yoga teacher, consider the fact that whether you are online or not, your potential students still will be. Safety, convenience, and the rise of technology all mean that your clients will appreciate this shift.
Getting online, however, doesn’t just mean teaching yoga online. It can also mean writing yoga blogs, making YouTube training videos, and marketing on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter.
Take advantage of the fact that more and more businesses are going online. Your yoga business doesn’t have to fall behind the times!
Keep reading to find out some of the different and exciting ways you can get online and make money doing it.
10 Different Ways to Make Money as a Yoga Teacher
01 Teach yoga classes for colleges or corporate events in your area.
Yoga has always been known for its health and wellness benefits. As such, places like universities, colleges, and businesses are starting to offer yoga classes as part of the curriculum or corporate events.
Because of the stressors that come with studies and work, many managers are noting the power of instilling a sense of balance and mindfulness in their students and employees.
Try looking for opportunities in your area to teach yoga to these people. Alternatively, you can take matters into your own hands by contacting these places and offering them your services.
You may find that this is a great way to add to your revenue stream, market your services, and grow your business. What’s more, it may well result in permanent gigs!
02 Create yoga content for online publications.
If you have a passion for writing and sharing content as well as a passion for yoga, this option is definitely for you. You can become a freelance writer for online yoga publications. While this doesn’t necessarily make you the most money, it’s definitely an opportunity for the ultimate growth of your yoga teaching and online platform.
The more you write, the more you engage and network with the yoga industry. What’s more, starting your own informative and helpful blog can allow you to harness the power of SEO (search engine optimization).
The more your content is backlinked and referenced, the greater the opportunity for your website traffic and business to expand. Blogs are extremely popular, so seize this opportunity!
03 Start a yoga podcast.
This is another great way to engage with your audience and market your business, while also offering potential clients a glimpse of what you’re all about. Not only this, but podcasts make money - especially if you manage to get sponsored while doing them.
Consider starting a yoga podcast. You can talk about all things yoga: the style you teach and the benefits thereof, ways in which mindfulness comes into play, and helpful tips and tricks to allow your listeners an opportunity to understand and enjoy the practice at the same time.
You can even offer certain classes through this medium - like meditation and breathing exercises. For those students who know the practice well, a voiceover and suggestions can be just as beneficial as an in-person yoga class.
04 Offer private, one-on-one yoga classes.
Yoga classes don’t always have to be in one big group. Sometimes, depending on the style you teach (as well as the preferences of your students), a one-on-one class can be extremely beneficial. Offering a private class can enable you to build a sense of trust and security with your yoga student. It allows them to feel comfortable and safe in the space and practice.
While you’ll probably make less money per hour than you would if you were teaching a class, teaching private lessons can be regarded as an investment. Your student will be far more likely to keep coming back if they feel as if their needs are being met with enthusiasm and sincerity.
It’s also a great way to market your business in a subtle yet effective way. You may find that your student refers others to your services if they enjoy it.
05 Have a hybrid business model (teach yoga online and offline).
It is definitely important to note that the online yoga industry is booming at the moment! You want to make sure that you have a sustainable business by moving online along with the rest of the world.
However, we should also keep in mind that going completely online may have its downfalls. Many people do enjoy face-to-face yoga classes, others prefer the convenience of doing yoga in their own homes, and some enjoy both approaches.
As a result of this, try changing your business model to one that incorporates teaching yoga online and offline. Allowing your students the option to do either or both really shows them that you understand the fast-changing world we are living in. (You can read more about the benefits of a hybrid yoga model in our article, The Future of Yoga is Hybrid.)
On the one hand, teaching solely online may have its ups and downs as things go back to normal and people can attend physical classes again. On the other, it is important to keep up with the times and understand the rise of technology.
More options for your clients equals more revenue for you - it’s as simple as that!
06 Affiliate marketing.
Becoming an affiliate marketer has its perks too! This is the process whereby you, as a yoga teacher, market other people’s products and/or services and earn a percentage of the profit every time a sale is made through the link or promotion that you provide.
For example, you may partner up with a company that sells yoga mats and promote their product by including it in your blog or social media posts. This allows for increased networking and another revenue stream - a perfect way of making passive income even while you sleep!
Reach out to companies that offer products or services that you enjoy or use often and see if they’re interested in having you become an affiliate marketer for them. Become a Marvelous affiliate in just a few clicks.
07 Create an online yoga course or workshop
Creating an online yoga course or workshop is a great idea when it comes to benefiting from teaching yoga online. By creating and marketing this course or workshop, you will be able to show your potential clients what your style and teaching are all about.
You can do this through the use of our Marvelous platform. This is the best and easiest way to create your own online yoga studio and teach yoga online.
You can charge a flat rate for the entire course and even offer referral benefits. If you’re looking for step-by-step help to launch your online membership, take a look at our program Membership Marvelous.
Your clients will really appreciate the ability to attend a workshop from the comfort of their own homes.
08 Start a YouTube yoga channel to teach yoga online
Teaching yoga through YouTube can have some really amazing benefits for the growth of your business. Often, people who can’t afford to attend paid yoga classes or cannot find one that they enjoy or are able to attend, turn to YouTube for fitness content. This platform has thousands of videos that teach yoga for free.
Don’t be deterred, however, by the fact that these services are “free”. These people make their money from things like backlinks, affiliate marketing, advertising, and sponsorships.
What’s more, the more you grow your business online, the more well-known and reputable your yoga business will become.
Allowing your potential clients a taste of what you do by making yoga YouTube videos can lead to a growth in one-on-one classes, online workshops, and even in-person sessions.
09 Create and sell a product that serves the yoga community.
While affiliate marketing is a great business tactic for making money, don’t forget the other option. You could create your very own product that serves the yoga community!
This product can be anything that you personally feel helps you with your yoga journey and that may serve to help others too. For example, marketing your own yoga journal or even writing your own ebook can do wonders for your business!
Creating your own product also opens doors to others actually marketing for you.
Networking is extremely important in the world of online yoga, and you may find that the more you interact with others in the industry, the higher your chances of business growth will be.
10 Use your Instagram yoga profile to your advantage.
Instagram is a huge part of our world these days, as well as a huge part of the yoga community. On Instagram, you can find a great deal of information regarding yoga instructors, online classes, and tips and tricks to help students get the most out of the practice.
Successful yoga teachers often have Instagram accounts that promote their businesses and offer advice to their followers.
So, harnessing the power of Instagram and its huge influence is a great idea. Again, this is a great platform to post sponsored content and even promote your own blog. You can also allow your followers the opportunity to understand your style of yoga teaching and what you’re all about through your posts.
Final Thoughts
We all understand the importance of teaching yoga online this year. Running an online yoga studio can really encompass everything you set out to achieve. This includes building a client base, offering the opportunity for your students to practice from home, decreasing your overheads, and, of course, allowing for marketing too.
With Marvelous, you can achieve all of this and more. Marvelous provides a platform for teachers to run their own virtual yoga and wellness studio! With an easy-to-use interface and interactive platform, you can teach yoga online in no time. Building your own online, sustainable business has never been this easy!
Keep all of our strategies for making money as a yoga teacher in mind going forward, and remember to refine your niche and know your worth. This will always result in the best yoga teachings for both you and your clients!