Movement + Creativity: A Conversation with Feldenkrais Practitioner Tiffany Sankary

Ever wondered what happens when art meets movement meets emotional intelligence? That's exactly what we explored in our latest conversation with the incredible Tiffany Sankary.

Tiffany runs Movement and Creativity from her home base in Somerville, Massachusetts, where she's created this beautiful blend of Feldenkrais practice with creative expression. Her journey into this work started with a single Feldenkrais session that literally changed how she felt in her own body. As she puts it, "I felt beautiful, which I hadn't been feeling in a long time. And I also felt like my hip joints had been oiled." How's that for a transformative experience?

But here's where it gets really interesting. Tiffany isn't your typical wellness practitioner. She brings an artist's eye to everything she does, which led her to spend 10 years creating "Feldenkrais Illustrated: The Art of Learning" - a gorgeous book that makes complex movement concepts accessible through art.

She's also expanded her practice to include the Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA), which adds strength and stability work to the traditional Feldenkrais method. And then there's Organic Intelligence®, which she describes as the missing emotional piece that helps practitioners connect with clients who might not be ready to enter through the "movement door."

What we loved most about our conversation was Tiffany's refreshingly authentic approach to business. While many online creators get caught up in formulaic marketing, she stays true to her artistic roots, trying different approaches with genuine curiosity rather than getting hung up on immediate results. It's clearly working - her online membership is thriving, and she gets the most heartwarming feedback from clients who experience both physical relief and creative awakening through her work.

After a year focused on depth in 2024, Tiffany's moving toward simplicity in 2025. It's fascinating to hear how she's navigating the balance between running a successful online business and maintaining the fresh, creative spirit that makes her work so special.

The best part? When clients tell her "my shoulder feels better AND I feel creatively inspired" - that's when she knows the magic is really happening. Whether it's a writer finding new flow after addressing carpal tunnel or an artist discovering new ways to move while creating, Tiffany's work shows us how interconnected our physical, emotional, and creative wellbeing truly are.



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